So the girls got their first taste of Rice Cereal in a bowl and eating with a spoon. They have tasted cereal before when they were about a month old in their bottles it was to help with
Ashlyn's reflux and we also gave Jillian some. We only did that for a few weeks because it seemed to bother their stomachs. So when I took the girls in for their 6 month
appt their
pediatrician wanted us to wait to feed them cereal until they were 7 months actual age/6 months adjusted. Although the girls will be 7 months in a few days Jeff and I decided to give them cereal this weekend. We had a sense they were ready because at dinner they would stare at us eating and would open their mouths when we would. We had such a good time feeding them and the girls loved it.
Especially Ashlyn we can't feed her the cereal fast enough and she loves to get all messy with it. Jillian likes it as well, but likes to stay clean.

Jillian first time in her high chair
Ashlyn first time in her high chair
Yumm food
Ashlyn wondering what Daddy is giving her

Jillian happy with what she is eating
Ashlyn wanted to keep her hands in her mouth while she was eating

Ashlyn really liking it Jeff couldn't feed her fast enough. She loved it.
Ashlyn is pretty much licking from the bowl

All done she cleaned her bowl

Jillian taking it slower. Its funny because Jillian can drink her bottle so fast and
Ashlyn takes her time at drinking her bottle and then with eating cereal
Ashlyn eats it fast and Jillian takes her time

Almost done

Yeah! Our first night eating and they did so good.