Happy New Year to all our friends and family. On New Years Eve we kept up our tradition and got together with our friends for a nice dinner. For about the last 3 years a small group of us have been getting together for New Years Eve it all started so all of us could see Kelly and John when they would come into town for the holidays. Unfortunately this year Kelly and John didn't come into town, but we still all got together and we missed them! Our group has grown as we all have kids now. It first started out with Nickolas and Katrina. Then Lucy and Vanessa and then this year it was Ashlyn and Jillian and baby Michael. Having the adults get together and watching the kids play is wonderful and Jeff and I are so fortunate for all the friends we have. Love You all.
New Years Eve at Katie and Ryans
This is Lucy. She has such a fun personality. Cracks me up. I've missed Lucy I hadn't seen her since my shower back in February and now she is 18 months old. Time goes by fast!

Katrina taking my picture with Lucy's camera as I was taking hers

Katrina and I. I missed this girl I also haven't seen her since my shower back in February and she has grown so much.

Ashlyn and Jillian playing with their new friends

Nickolas is in the background and he can't wait for Baby Michael to big enough to play. Nick is out numbered by the girls

Baby Michael he is about a month old

Lucy giving Jillian a hug

Katie and Jillian

Ashlyn loves to crawl right up to the camera

Jillian hanging out

MMMM cold beer just what I like!

Way to much partying for Ashlyn. Happy New Years!!!