Such a beautiful home in Newport Beach. Its three stories and it had a perfect master bedroom for my aunt which is on the second story with her own balcony then on the third floor is the roof perfect for laying out! Jeff and I would spend our weekends down there and we had so much fun being with the family and having the girls play around the beach. I am so grateful my aunt picked somewhere by us that she wanted to stay so we could spend more time with her. She is now back home up north so please keep the prayers coming and please keep her and our family in your thoughts. Here are some pictures throughout the weekends we were there.
Love this picture! Jeff holding his girls to show them the ocean for the first time
Grandma and Ashlyn
Jillian meeting Charlie AKA Charlie Brown and Chuck! She loved him and she would get so excited to play with him!
Jillian with her cousin Avery. So excited to watch Jillian, Ashlyn and Avery grow up together they are 10 months apart.
View from the family room
Trying to get a picture with Jillian she had no time for a picture she was to busy watching Charlie
Aunt Carol and Ashlyn:) Grandpa is in the background getting in the picture!
Jillian having fun watching Avery jump on the couch
Get this hat off me!
Jillian not so sure of the sand
My mom and my aunt relaxing on the patio
Its tough getting a picture with both girls looking. Ashlyn was still frustrated with her hat
Ashlyn and her frown
View from the patio
Ashlyn trying to escape. Jillian is ready to follow behind
Fighting over the table