Happy Fathers Day to you Jeff! You are such an amazing daddy to Ashlyn and Jillian and it fills my heart with so much joy watching them light up when you walk in the room. When you get home they get so excited and can't wait to see you walk through that door. Its cute to see them fight over who you will pick up first. No matter how hard of a day you had or how long of a day you had you always step right in and help with the girls without asking. You get down and play with them and it brings a smile to my face to hear them laugh continuously with you. You amaze me everyday and I am so blessed that I not only have you as a husband, but that Ashlyn and Jillian have YOU as a father. They are the lucky ones. I see you light up when you talk about them and everyone can see how much you love your girls. I thank you Jeff for everything you have done for us and for what you continue to do for us we appreciate it all. Your smile, laughter, fun loving personality brightens our day everyday and we all love you so much. Happy Fathers Day!!! XOXOXO Love Your Girls, Lindsay, Ashlyn and Jillian
Pictures of Jeff with the girls through the year! Sleeping with Jillian
Admiring your baby girl
Jillian helping Jeff work
Ashlyn's turn to help Jeff work
Playing XBox with Daddy
A song for you Jeff with you by my side and always staying positive I have everything I want and "I could not ask for more" the video is a little cut off, but you hear the whole song!
Jeff, Lindsay, soon to be Ashlyn and Jillian Bueno. This blog was intended for all of you and especially our kids to follow our journey into parenthood.