I'm sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, but we have been busy over here physically and emotionally so I am about to make up for it all. I have some random pictures of the girls playing together and of Jillian doing some walking. Yes that's right we have a walker and she knows she is so cute walking she just smiles and laughs. For 4th of July the girls played in their pool, had dinner at my parents house and Ashlyn rode her quad. Ashlyn had her hip dysplasia surgery so I have pictures of her new look for the next 3 months.
This is what the girls love to do together except poor Jillian never gets a ride Ashlyn doesn't ever want to get out

Jillian loves to sit in this bus


Go Jillian she is now walking

Look at those legs

Ashlyn loving her pool time

Just chillin'

Jillian having fun splashing away

Love Ashlyn laughing here

Jillian was over it

And can't get Ashlyn out

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

Ashlyn loves her quad

Look at how serious

Here is Ashlyn's new look. Her surgery went well and now we are all adjusting to the spica cast. She gets frustrated and we are trying to keep her busy. Here she is just out of recovery at the hospital.

Her thumb was her constant soother thank goodness for that thumb

Sleeping with her friends

Waiting to get discharged

Jillian seeing her sister for the first time since the surgery

Really I have to be in this for 3 months?

Our strong baby girl

I love this picture of Jillian its just blurry. Jeff took it when Jillian was playing with Nana and she just looks so grown up here. Ahh love this!

Eating dinner with my new table