When we first brought Ashlyn home Jillian seemed sad because she didn't have her sister to play with since Ashlyn mainly just sat in the bean bag or in the recliner. Ashlyn is now all over the place pulling herself through the house and actually trying to stand in the cast. Jillian was so excited once we put Ashlyn on the ground. Jillian started laughing with excitement and was even giving Ashlyn kisses it was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes seeing how close these girls are.
For the love of cleaning! Jillian loves to clean she tries to get a hold of the baby wipes and when she does she is so happy taking the wipe and wiping down everything. From the furniture, the floor to even wiping down Ashlyn's cast and feet. Jillian will purposely spill her milk on the floor just so she can wipe it up. Its so cute and the poor thing doesn't know it yet, but if she continues to like cleaning she will be doing chores by the time she is 3:) Here she is cleaning the wall.

The floor

The furniture

I'm free. Look at how happy she is. She is just laughing! This is the first time we put her on the ground.

Getting tired. When we first put her the ground she would get tired very quickly. It was a lot for her to hold her head up especially since she had been sitting for 2 weeks.

Jillian leaning in to give Ashlyn a kiss. Of course I missed getting the picture of the kiss

Excited to be playing together again

Laying together watching TV

Jillian giving Ashlyn a foot rub

Trying to balance to get inside the toy box

Sure Mom you can take my picture

Ashlyn making sure Jillian stays away from the bus by trying to push her away

Trying to stand

Now trying to stand with the bucket

So happy! Love this smile

Ahh I love you sister

Gorgeous girl

Smiling Ashlyn