I made a promise to myself to blog once a week and well apparently I am not good at keeping promises to myself BECAUSE its been 2 months since my last update YIKES! Our summer flew by and we enjoyed every minute of it. The girls are so connected with one another they have become the best of friends its truly an amazing journey watching these two girls grow up.
Visiting Toms Farms (taken in August). Ashlyn on the train

Jillian on the train

Ashlyn on the carousel she has a tight grip on Daddys shirt this was their second time around Jillian was done after the first time.

Feeding the goats with grandpa

Beginning of September we took a little trip up to Santa Barbara to visit my brother and sister n law. We went to the Santa Barbara zoo. The girls loved it and of course my camera ran out of battery right when we got there, but I captured a few pictures.

We took the girls to their 1st USC game. To our surprise they made it through the whole game! There were a few little tantrums thrown by someone pics will speak for themselves:)

"Look water" says Jillian

Favorite pic

Running through the rose garden

Checking out the roses

Ashlyn was not in the mood for pics.

And still screaming..hahhaa...

Thanks Jillian for the pic

Future Cheerleader?!

Loves her hat

Loves the pom pom