No pictures just yet... still waiting for the approval from Lindsay...but here's a recap of what's happened so far. Pardon grammar and punctuation!!
Lindsay has been sick with a cold and her cough was intense for a few days. On Thursday March 12th at approx 3:00pm she ruptured her membrane and sprung a leak. The first phone call was to our neighbor Jamie but went unanswered. The second phone call went to me but went unanswered. (at work and doing something at the time...tell you in a bit) The third phone call went to her Mom but went unanswered. Finally she got a hold of her Dad who showed up at our house in 5 minutes. Normally it takes him 15 min at least.
When he got to our house, our neighbor Jamie showed up as well... Lindsay was concerned on what she needed to pack. Jamie said don't pack just get in the car. Here they go in the car on the way to the hospital ripping through traffic at a speed of 65 mph in the fast track lane. (no speeding tickets will stop them!)
Another phone call went to me and I finally picked up. I was working in Ontario at the time and was a bit busy when she called the first time. I was making my rounds in the warehouse and then saw a few work friends battling at a game of table tennis on their break. Game on.
After the phone conversation, I packed my things and headed for the hospital. Driving safe was on my mind as I averaged 90mph and at times revved the MINI to a safe speed of 135 in the same fast track lane. Arrived at the hospital to find Lindsay and her Dad just stopping for valet. What timing.
3:40pm - Lindsay was admitted and wheeled to her labor and delivery room. Family started to show up and things were moving along fast. Our doctor was not on call that evening and guess who freaked out? It makes sense that we were nervous since we haven't met with this other doctor before. Few hours go by and we head to the ultra sound room for measurements. Few more hours go by and we're headed back to our labor room with our files. Babies weigh 4 lbs 8 oz and 3 lbs 11 oz. We were stoked. But what now?
8:00pm - more medication for Lindsay to help with the babies lung development and to reduce the minor contractions she's been having. Some antibiotics to help with infection and other long needles were the highlight of the hour. The feedback from the nurses said they didn't want to deliver and wanted to delay as long as possible. Guess who freaked out? The time frame given was 72 hrs - 4 weeks depending on what the doctor said. Also found out no going home for Lindsay. She's staying until we deliver. Still waiting to get confirmation from the on call doctor...
10:00pm- family was getting tired in the waiting room. They asked about the status and gave their support as they exited the hospital. Found out that Lindsay will be transferring to antipartum for an unknown amount of time. Still waiting to get confirmation from the on call doctor...
11:45pm- On call doctor has stopped by! Reviewed ultra sound report (measurements) and gave us some news that it's important for the babies to stay where they are and not deliver. Goal was to keep contractions to a minimum monitor for infections and hope for 2-3 weeks or 36 weeks so the lungs can develop.
Friday the 13th!
2:00am - Moved from labor/delivery to antipartum. Much bigger room and better bed for her stay. Night nurse Allison was awesome and even brewed me some coffee for my drive home.
What a day!