Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I get to WHAT?!!!?!!!

Being on hospital bed rest for me means basically I can only get up to use the restroom and then its back to bed. I have been here since Thursday evening only getting out of bed to use the restroom. So to my surprise my doctor came by and said I could take a quick SHOWER!!! I was so excited. I have never appreciated a shower more in my life then I did this evening. It was wonderful and I could have stayed in there so much longer, but I know its not good for me or the twins. So to everyone who has visited me thank you for putting up with my the way I looked and smelled. I am a new woman now!!!
I am getting through each day and I am getting used to the nurses waking me up every 3 hours in the middle of the night to give me my meds or check my blood pressure. The hardes part is when Jeff leaves he gets to go home. I think hospitals should have like mini suites for patients like me that have to stay for who knows how long that way their spouse can also stay with them through the night and be there with them. Jeff has been wonderful about being here as much as he can and also for taking care of me since I went on "house arrest" in January. He has been my strength through all this. His positive attitude and his smile is what comforts me when I am alone in the hospital. So this is my Thank You to my husband for staying strong for me when I know this is hard on you as well.
Other then my exciting shower we had an ultrasound done to check fluid levels so we will have those results tomorrow when the doctor comes and explains them.


  1. it's the little things huh? :) we're thinking about you guys! (all 4 of you!) let us know if you need anything.... xo, kristin :)

  2. Hello from Down Under!
    SO close yet SO far!
    Glad to here everything is going well for all those involved! 2 girls eh, I am sure Darryl can sit down with Jeff over a beer and talk about living in a house full of women!
    Love to all and will keep checking ur blog.
    Darryl, Kim, Charlotte and Gabriella.
