What mom you want my picture?
Ready to go on our walk. This was our first walk and it was early in the morning, but poor things it was already hot out so basically our walk didn't last to long. Jeff says they were fine I am just the wimp.
Playing together and YES they are holding hands
Jillian discovering her new toys on their jumperoo
Jillian taking a break from playing to smile for the camera
Ashlyn likes the camera
Jillian loves this duck she gets so excited when she sees it
Ashlyn kicking it.
Jillian almost getting her balance on her Bumbo
Ahh look at me I did it. I can sit.
Happy playing together
Tummy time. Yes when Jillian is excited her mouth is always open
Ashlyn enjoying her tummy time. Staring at Daddy
Ashlyn still staring at Daddy
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