The day has come and the girls are all over the place. The army crawl is in full effect for both of the girls. No more just keeping them in one place. Of course I am still trying to keep them on the sheet I lay out, but that doesn't work they like to crawl on the flooring and pick up all the dog hair in their hands and on their clothes. No matter how many times I clean the floor their is always dog hair around. So to my readers out there who have inside dogs how did you do this with little ones? Did you vacuum three times a day? Please leave me a comment or email me. Yes I know eating dog hair will be fine, but it still makes me shudder when I think of them eating it. Here are pictures of Jillian crawling her way to hang out with Luke.

So excited to go play with Luke

Reaching for his paw

And that was it for Luke he did not want to be bothered he just walked away

So the other day I put the girls down for their afternoon nap. They both seemed tired, but that wasn't the case at all. All of the sudden I hear Jillian just laughing and I am thinking to myself what is she laughing at. I peek in there and they have both discovered they can see one another from their cribs. Protective daddy removed their bumpers so they are able to see one another and babble and laugh. Its so cute. Here is Ashlyn hanging out in her crib laughing with Jillian

Jillian peeking through at Ashlyn

Just babbling from across the room

They did this for awhile until they both fell asleep
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