When I was pregnant with the girls we had known Ashlyn had club feet and we were prepared for it. Once the girls were delivered and rushed to the NICU they were evaluated by a team of doctors. One of the doctors was her orthopedic surgeon he evaluated Ashlyn about 11:00 p.m. and came to our room close to midnight the day the girls were born. It was then he told us about Ashlyn's right hip. Jeff and I just sat their listening to the doctor talk to us about what was ahead for our little girl and we knew it would be a long road and although her surgery is over we still have a long road to go down, but nothing makes us more blessed then seeing the determination in Ashlyn trying to walk. I remember when we started correcting her club feet and taking her to her weekly cast changes and I asked one of the doctors if Ashlyn would walk and she looked at me and said I can't answer that because she not only has the club feet, but the hip dysplasia. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't focus on that I knew we had to be strong for her and we would do anything to see our little girl walk. On Thanksgiving morning Jeff and I were getting the girls ready and Ashlyn all the sudden stood up from the floor and took a few steps sideways. She then continued to take a few steps forward. I started to cry not only because I had been dreaming of this day, but the smile on her face was priceless she was so proud of herself and just so excited to be on the move without pushing a toy. Her legs are still trying to get the strength back, but each time she walks by herself she just smiles and smiles and that brings us so much happiness.
Her she is taking a few steps by herself. This was taken the other day while the girls were playing outside. Jillian is waiting for Ashlyn to come back and push her.
Yay for Ashlyn! You guys are doing a great job! Look at that face! Jillian looks happy for sis too! Love seeing their pictures!