Whenever anyone first meets Ashlyn they are always complimenting her on her beautiful eyes. Jillian you also have beautiful eyes:) Ashlyn's eyes have such long eye lashes and they have this blue-green color to them (Thanks to me :)), but there is also something more to her eyes something that just draws you in. I could never put my finger on it until a friend of my moms was looking at pictures of the girls and she said Ashlyn just has this twinkle in her eye and that was exactly it. The twinkle in Ashlyn's eyes comes from my Grandpa everytime he smiled his eyes would just light up just like Ashlyn's do. It's so great to see that twinkle now in Ashlyn's eyes. I am writing this blog entry on the one year anniversary that my grandfather passed away. I remember telling him I was pregnant with twin girls and he just smiled and said Good Luck. He knew I would need it as he raised three girls. Although my grandpa didn't get a chance to meet and hold the girls I truly believe he watched over me for the rest of my pregnancy and that he passed along a beautiful twinkle that his great granddaughter Ashlyn now has. We miss you everyday Grandpa! Love You!
Here are some close up pictures of Ashlyn

My Grandpa and I on my wedding day! I know its hard to see his eyes, but let me tell you they are twinkling!
Oh Linds! I loved reading that (sniff sniff). So amazing!!! Give kisses to Ashwyn and Jilwian for me...AKA Ashlyn and Jillian :)