I can't believe it has almost been a month since my last blog entry. Where did January go? Lets see what is new with us? On January 31 Jeff and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary. One of my friends on Facebook put it best when she said this is your best year yet and she is so right. Having the girls has completed our family and watching Jeff with the girls makes me love him so much more! Oh alright I will save the mushy stuff between just Jeff and I:) Jillian is trying to stand on her own and loves to just be on the go. Ashlyn is trying to stand, but its hard with her hip and she tries so hard I love the determination in her makes me hopeful that she will take her surgery better then what my mind is envisioning. Ashlyn is loving her finger foods and Jillian not so much she doesn't like to get her hands messy and I think she is going to be a picky eater like myself. I am a texture person and I think she is falling in my footsteps gotta change that! Ok enough rambling here are some pictures of the girls from Superbowl Sunday. They are in the Raider Jerseys. Jeff is not only a USC fan, but also a Raider fan and so a friend of his from work got the girls these Raider Jerseys they are so cute . Yes, I know the Raiders weren't in the Superbowl, but Jeff wanted them in something dressed for the occasion!
Playing together

So cute from behind

Jillian doing her pose

Ashlyn loves to come right up to the camera. Ahh look at those eyes..Melts me

Love Jillians little smirky smile. Its like Hahaa Mom I am crawling where I am not supposed to

Ashlyn showing her teeth. Seriously all the sudden she had like 4 teeth coming in at once on the top. She handles it very well. She likes to chew on our kitchen chairs and the wall. I thought we had to worry about Luke eating the furniture...Nope Ashlyn Hahaa

Laughing for the camera

Jillian looking outside she loves to do this and loves to watch the rain fall when its raining

Love the pics Lindsay!!! The girls are so beautiful. They are the only ones that can make a stinkin Raiders jersey look good :) Ashlyn and Lucy look like they could be cousins with those eyes too and Jillian, love the "what mom" look. I'm sure there will be more in her future and I can't wait!!!